Hypnotherapy with Elena Mosaner

I have been practicing hypnotherapy for over 15 years, helping people with habit breaking, confidence building and behavior modification.

Hypnotherapy is one of the powerful tools for changing the way you think and behave. We are influenced by the environment, the moment we arrive here - since the day we are born - by our parents, family relations, teachers, friends, technology, media and surrounding culture. Often times, we are not even aware of being programmed, as we go through life. This is like hypnosis.

My goal is to help my clients become a better version of themselves. Hypnosis is a natural state of deep mental and physical relaxation and openness to suggestion. In hypnosis, healing and changes are possible.

I began my practice in New York City, with my office on the upper east side. Today, I see clients mostly online and in NYC when I am there twice a year. I travel and spend a lot of time in South America, California and New York.

In person or online - the results are the same. Read my full story here.


 How does hypnosis work?

Hypnosis is a natural state of mind. It is very similar to the state of meditation, focused attention, or a dream-like state. While in the state of hypnosis your critical thinking is bypassed and selective thinking is established. Hypnotherapists use relaxation techniques to induce a receptive state of mind. During hypnosis, the client is given positive suggestions, deliberately designed affirmations, as part of the new growth mindset in line with client’s goals.

What is Hypnosis used for?

Hypnosis can be used for a variety of things. It is widely used to overcome bad habits and to help establish new behavior patterns. In general, hypnosis is used to program the mind to change a person’s belief system around a specific behavior. Since hypnosis involves deep mental relaxation, processes like guided visualization and mental forwarding can be used to enhance motivation and confidence in the desired outcomes.

Lear more about hypnotherapy for Public Speaking and Social Confidence, Smoking cessation, Alcohol Cessation, Performance Anxiety and Stage Fright, Focus and Productivity, Weight Loss & Exercise Motivation, Stress Management & Relaxation Response, Sexual Performance Anxiety, Love & Relationships, Bad Habits, Irrational Fears & Phobias.

Can anyone be hypnotized?

Absolutely anyone with normal intelligence (or above) can be hypnotized, as long as they are willing to follow the instructions of a hypnotist.

Can I be hypnotized against my will?

This is a an interesting question. Most hypnotherapists are trained to say no. However, in reality it is possible to make people do things against what they truly want or will for themselves. It has been done throughout the history of humankind.

It would take way too much time to hypnotize someone against their best interest and also it is not in the interest of a hypnotherapist to do so. We are in the business of helping people, not harming. Besides, who needs a law suit?

I often teach my clients how hypnosis works to help them build critical thinking. The best we can do is to understand the mechanics of influence and hypnosis - in order to stay immune to the outside (sometimes harmful) influence and suggestion.

How many hypnosis sessions do I need?

The number of sessions depends on the issue you are working on. In general, at least two sessions are recommended to overcome a specific fear or build a new habit. In more complex hypnotherapy work like weight loss, alcohol cessation it may require up to five sessions. Smoking cessation is only one hypnosis session. All hypnosis sessions are recorded for you to use as a maintenance program, after your hypnosis sessions are complete.

Ready to make Changes?

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You can also call us at 646 450 8167 and leave a message.