Coaching Sessions

I am an ICF( International Coach Federation) Certified Professional Coach. This means that the coaching I practice is in the style of pure coaching, not advising, mentoring, consulting or counseling. The purpose of making such distinction is to help clients take responsibility for their insight and learning during the coaching process. This type of coaching mainly involves a Socratic method of strategic inquiry, allowing a more autonomous way of personal development and adult learning.

When working with clients, I adhere to the reflective science-based practitioner model. I rely on up-to-date valid research and theory, as well as an understanding of a wide array of evidence-based approaches derived from the theoretical frameworks, such as psychodynamic theory, adult learning and development, cognitive behavior therapy, humanistic psychology, spiral dynamics and more.

I lead, behind you. You choose direction. You are an expert on your life. I am Your guide.

As a coach, I provide safety, container and processes to help you grow in the specific area of your life.


 What is Coaching?

As defined by the International Coach Federation (ICF), “coaching is partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.”

What can coaching be used for?

Coaching is used to help clients access inner resources and insights into the forward movement of their personal goals. In essence, coaching is about unlocking human potential and intelligent design of the person’s ideal life. Some examples where coaching can be used for: improving your relationships and communication in personal or professional life, enhancing your leadership qualities at work, finding a life time partner, building a new business, moving past personal crisis into a new life.

What is evidence based coaching?

Evidence-based coaching is grounded in the broader empirical and theoretical knowledge. The term was originally coined by the coaching psychologist Anthony Grant in 2003 to help differentiate between professional knowledge-based coaching and the “pop psychology” development genre called life coaching.

An evidence-based coach adheres to the reflective science-based practitioner model, which uses the most current knowledge of up-to-date valid research and theory, as well as understanding a wide array of evidence-based approaches derived from the theoretical frameworks, such as psychodynamic theory, adult learning and development, cognitive behavior therapy, humanistic psychology, etc. With an understanding of these approaches integrated within practice, an ICF Professional Certified Coach will apply their best knowledge, experience and expertise to the client’s specific needs, values and preferences.

What is the difference between coaching and therapy/counseling?

Coaching modality is present and future oriented, while therapy and counseling is more focused on the past. Evidence-based coaching processes derive from the therapeutic approaches. However, they focus on the assumption that the client has done the proper work through their past issues or, if needed, is seeing a therapist parallel to coaching. While coaching is based, and to some extent is connected with, therapeutic modalities, it is strictly action-oriented and is all about the forward movement.

A coach will challenge and support a client for thought and action throughout the coaching engagement. Together coach and client will design an action plan based on the client’s needs and desired outcomes. The coach will help their client become “the writer” of their own life, and hold them accountable to facilitate and sustain change.

What is the difference between teaching and mentoring?

Teaching and mentoring impart knowledge. A teacher usually imparts common knowledge, a mentor imparts personal life experience. Coaching is about challenging a client to learn and discover knowledge within themselves or from the outside, as well as challenge the client for action based on that knowledge.

How many coaching sessions do I need?

Generally, coaching agreements range between 3 to 12 months, as defined by the coach and client during the initial introductory session. It is beneficial to have a long-term agreement for better results. Coaching may takes place weekly or bi-weekly.

What is the difference between an ICF Certified Coach and non ICF Certified Coach?

The International Coach Federation (ICF) requires a one-year program in professional coaching, written and oral examination, as well as 500 of logged coaching hours for the Professional Coach Certification (PCC). ICF Certified coaches are trained to follow ICF core competencies, Code of Ethics, and use evidence-based coaching models and processes with their clients. Most coaches, who are not certified by ICF are never required of coaching hours or any rigorous examination to get certified. However, they can be just as good, and are a perfect match for your needs, and the work you seek to do. However their style of coaching is often mixed with mentoring, advising and teaching. There is nothing wrong with that. It is just a different style.

Why can’t coaching be mixed with advising, mentoring or teaching?

It can be! Just not by the ICF Coaching standards. As mentioned above, there are many modern day coaches who do a mix. However, there is a strong belief and evidence, that when a person is challenged and supported for thought and action with a strategic inquiry-based method as opposed to showing and teaching them what is best and how to behave or solve specific problems - with pure coaching, they are able to take responsibility for their learning and discoveries. After all, they are the expert on their life and the answers to all of their questions and problems lie within. Imagine, discovering these insights and wisdoms, as opposed to being given? It is so much more powerful. This is adult learning and development. As a pure coach, you aim for that.

Ready for some Adult Learning and Development?

Please fill out the form.

We will call you for your 30-minute complimentary consultation to discuss your needs and goals and go over your options for coaching.

Thank you!