Hypnotherapy for Stress Management and Anxiety

How can hypnotherapy be used for stress management and anxiety?

Hypnosis in essence is very relaxing. A daily practice of some type of self-hypnosis techniques can help you relax mentally, emotionally and physically. With relaxation techniques you can elicit a Relaxation Response, which is the opposite of a fight-or-flight response, characterized by the lowered levels of cortisol and increase in melatonin, endorphins and serotonin production in your brain. By relaxing you naturally slow down your heart rate, breathing and metabolism, enhancing your ability to think more positively and feel calm and relaxed. This alone can produce a positive effect in how yo think behave and make moment to moment decisions.

Any specific fears and anxieties can be addressed in the session, to help release their effect and reprogram the mind for a new healthier behavior and general confidence.

What happens during the session?

Your hypnotherapist will teach you self-hypnosis techniques, as well as hypnotize you into a relaxed and calm state. You can choose something specific to work on, like a situation or an issue that is causing you stress. With some positive suggestions and guided visualization you can rewrite mental narratives in your mind and enhance your ability to react better in stressful situations.

How many hypnosis sessions do I need for stress management and anxiety?

At least two hypnosis sessions are recommended. All hypnosis sessions are recorded for any future use and reinforcement.

For more information on hypnotherapy for stress management and anxiety and to book a session with hypnotherapist Elena Mosaner call 646 287 9885 or fill out contact form. Zoom, phone and in-person session are available.